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Reader's Corner: Paul & Joe brows

Good happy Wednesday everyone! I've got a reader request last week regarding brow drawing using pencil. As everyone know, I am in love with my P&J Eyebrow Pencil. On days I am not using my MAC Coquette e/s to fill my brows, I am using the short cut version, pencil! It'll be done in less than 5 minutes! :D

Eyebrow pencil used: Paul & Joe Eyebrow Pencil no. 2

Step 1:

Tip: Using a light pencil, you can mark where you want your brows to start and end. Make sure not to over tweeze or shave your brows, you can do this professionally the first type.

Using a pencil, place it vertically against your right nostril, making sure that the pencil is in a straight line from your right eyebrow to your nose. This is a good place to start. (But take note, this is still subject to your preference as most Asian's have wider nose as compared to our Caucasian sisters)
With the same pencil, place it diagonally with one end touching your right nostril and the other end touching the outermost corner of your eye. This is the finish line to your brows.

Step 2:

Tip: Make sure your eyebrow pencil color matches the shade of your hair

Draw short, quick strokes starting from the inner brows going outwards

Make sure to follow the natural shade of your brows

Fill in lines as you go on

Hand goes lighter as you move outwards
to the tip of the brows
for a more natural effect

Step 3:

Fluff your eyebrows with a spoolie to clean extras and to make sure the hair are all going to the same place :)

This step also lighten up a darkly drawn brows!

Before and After shot
of Filling your brows using only
1 eyebrow pencil!

I hope you're not too tired with my eyes and brows! lol
Hope my simple tips help and again,
you know how you like your brows to look like!
Be confident to draw your brows and don't forget to
Time to draw your brows and give me a holler how it looks like!

Keep smilin' Stay Happy!

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