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Win a Set of Super Serums Duo by Lancome

The new year of 2012 is here and yes, it's time for giveaway brought to you by Lancome Indonesia. As usual the giveaway will be simple and the key now lies in 'sharing'. There will be 10 set of these duos (each 7ml) that worth Rp.450.000.

Please follow these steps to win them:

1. add Lancome Indo as friends on Facebook.

2. "Like" Lancome Indonesia facebook page ---> click HERE.

3. Follow @LancomeID twitter and RT “@LancomeID sharing my vision of beauty with Visionnaire
4. "Like" WhileYouOnEarth.Blogspot.Com on Facebook ---> click HERE.
5. Follow @c13v3rgirl on twitter and 

6. CONTEST : to share “what is your vision of beauty, female beauty and beauty itself” (get the inspiration from thevideo uploaded in lancome Indonesia facebook) – and you can share on the wall of WhileYouOnEarth.Blogspot.Com Facebook page, tag Lancome Indonesia and Lancome Indo as well, lastly tweet about it on your twitter account mentioning @LancomeID

Contest is closed on the 15th of January so be fast okay! Winner are chose based on creativity of what they share and people responding (by clicking 'like' or share), you can tag your friends on the comment as well, the more you share the higher your chance on winning ^___^

Then I will choose the 10 winners

         You can collect the gift only in selected counters and in certain period of time (TBC) – JAKARTA ONLY! If winner can’t collect the gift in that selected counters and that period of time then gift will be given to other selected winners that I choose later on.  
So, start rambling on WhileYouOnEarth.Blogspot.Com Facebook page, tag your friends along and don't forget to follow all the steps mention above to qualified.

Dear Readers, this just in:

The contest is extended! So it will be closed on 21st Jan 2012 with the gift to be collected 25th – 29th of Jan 2012. Hooray, you got more time ^___^

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