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Who's excited - about what ?!

More views of - or before - Cambridge Film Festival 2012
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3 May

If you don't know what The High Life is - whatever the title lyric says - that's not extraordinary...

I like the way that, in his review, Empire's critic, David Hughes, has alluded to the running joke in Woody Allen's much misunderstood Stardust Memories (1980) :

An unshakeable tolerance for high camp and lowbrow humour may be required to fully appreciate Almodóvar's broad, bawdy comedy - even for fans of his early, funny films.

As I read the rest of Hughes' review (a tongue-twister in his office, no doubt), I found myself also reminded of that epsiode of - what else ! - Father Ted...


As at 9 May, Rotten Tomatoes says that 34% of audiences, and 60% of critics, liked the film*...


* For comparison, the equivalent percentages for Broken Embraces (2009) are 74% and 81%.

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